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5 Post Wisdom Teeth Removal Tips

Removing your wisdom teeth is a common rite of passage for most young adults. Since the process involves a surgical procedure, properly caring for your mouth after wisdom tooth removal is imperative to your comfort, health, and healing. That's why dentists recommend a strict diet of soft foods in the days after surgery, following the best tips for wisdom teeth removal for a smooth recovery.

Many patients are curious about what to eat after wisdom teeth removal. Mountain View Family Dental can answer all your questions to help ensure a smooth recovery period that keeps you healthy, nourished, and satisfied while healing. Learn all about the importance of a post-wisdom tooth extraction diet, which foods to eat and avoid, and when to start eating your favorite foods again by following our wisdom teeth removal recovery tips.

Why is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Your wisdom teeth are on the top and bottom jaws at the back corners of your mouth. Many people don't have enough room in their mouth for these teeth to grow, so they can cause problems as they develop, including:

● Pain due to the teeth growing in at strange angles or backward

● Tooth decay and gum disease, as the teeth are difficult to reach with a toothbrush

● Damage to nearby teeth due to overcrowding

● Cyst development around the wisdom tooth

● Complications with orthodontic teeth straightening techniques

To avoid these issues, dentists or oral surgeons remove wisdom teeth, usually in patients ages 17 to 25. During the wisdom teeth removal procedure, the dentist will use anesthesia to either numb the removal area or allow the patient to fall asleep so they will have little to no memory of the procedure. The dentist will make a small incision in the gum tissue to expose each tooth and remove the bone that blocks access to the tooth's root. From there, they will remove the wisdom tooth or teeth, clean the removal site, and stitch the wound closed. Finally, the dentist will place gauze over the tooth extraction site to help form a blood clot. Most of the time, this surgery takes just over an hour to complete, but the patient must maintain a strict diet and good post-op habits to ensure a healthy healing process and avoid a painful dry socket.

Why Your Post-Op Wisdom Tooth Extraction Diet Matters

Dentists recommend a diet of soft foods after wisdom teeth removed surgery for a few reasons. Your jaw will likely be sore after the procedure, and soft or liquid foods will ensure the jaw can rest without excessive chewing. Beyond patient comfort, soft foods also provide no food debris trapped around the incision sites, helping to avoid infections and keeping the blood clots intact to prevent a dry socket. A nutritious, well-rounded diet will also reduce the risk of complications after surgery; it can help lower swelling, nourish the body, and aid in the healing process.

What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

For the first 3-5 days after surgery, dentists typically recommend a diet of all liquid or soft foods that can be swallowed with minimal chewing. Tips before wisdom teeth removal include stocking up on these foods:

● Blended soups

● Broths

● Yogurt

● Pudding

● Smoothies

● Mashed potatoes

● Applesauce

● Seedless pureed fruit

● Pureed or mashed carrots, squash

● Ice cream

● Jello

Tips For After Wisdom Teeth Removed

Be sure to have enough of these foods on hand for the entire recovery period; you'll want to rest as much as possible in the first few days, so try to avoid making trips to the store. It is also essential to never use a straw in the first days after surgery, as the suction 

can knock your blood clots out of place. Drink all of your liquid food and drinks from a cup. You should also let all hot foods cool before eating, clean your incision areas by gargling (not swishing) mouthwash, and take all your regular prescriptions as needed. These are some post wisdom teeth removal tips to follow.

After five days, you may be able to incorporate semi-soft foods into your diet, including:

● Scrambled eggs

● Macaroni and cheese

● Instant oatmeal

● Toast

Use your best judgment when deciding if you're ready for more dense foods. After about 7-10 days, you should be able to resume eating as usual, following the tips after wisdom teeth removal to ensure a smooth transition.

Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Do not eat these foods for at least a week after your wisdom tooth extraction surgery:

● Acidic or spicy foods like citrus juice or hot peppers

● Crumbly, crunchy, tough foods like pizza, jerky, popcorn, hamburgers

● Grains like rice and quinoa

● Alcohol

● Seeds

● Avoid smoking and tobacco

These foods can irritate the incision sites, get lodged in the wounds, or prolong healing time. If you have questions, call us if you are unsure whether or not a particular food will be okay after surgery. At Mountain View Family Dental, our knowledgeable staff can answer all your questions about wisdom teeth removal and your post-op diet. Contact us today with any questions about the procedure or to schedule an appointment for dental implants or other dental procedures.