459 North Val Vista Drive | Mesa, AZ 85213 | 480-830-0262 Book an Appointment



Routine dental visits are the best way to prevent small problems from becoming big problems.  Bigger problems can mean more cost and more pain.  Catching any dental issue earlier will always be a benefit.

A Healthy mouth leads to overall health

Your routine dental check-ups are one of the most important things you can do to protect your overall health.   In our efforts to keep ourselves safe from the COVID-19, we should not make choices that increase our risk of dental or systemic disease. 

"Oral health is integral to overall health. Dentistry is essential health care,” ADA President Dr. Chad P. Gehani said “Dentistry is essential health care because of its role in evaluating, diagnosing, preventing or treating oral diseases, which can affect systemic health.” 

Interesting mouth-COVID connection

Current research is also showing a connection between increased risk of COVID-19 infection and more severe COVID-19 symptoms in patients with untreated dental disease.  Keeping your mouth healthy is a proactive way to protect yourself from the effects of COVID-19

Are dental visits safe?

Absolutely. Your safety continues to be our highest concern. The good news is that dental offices are incredibly safe spaces. Dentists and their clinical staff have been wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, glasses and gowns, as well as thoroughly cleaning their treatment rooms and medical equipment, since long before the COVID-19 pandemic.  In addition to our standard protocols, we have taken specific precautions because of COVID-19.  You will notice many of these changes when you visit.  

Since the pandemic has begun we have safely treated thousands of patients in our office.  You can rest assured that your dental office is a safe place to receive treatment.  We are well-equipped in our office to keep you safe.

Teledentistry Option

Maybe you are still uncomfortable leaving your home for a dental visit - but you have an oral health concern. You might consider a teledentistry visit.  We can communicate by video or phone to discuss your dental health.  Just contact the office to see if a teledentistry appointment is right for you.

About your Dental Visit and COVID-19


Your Visit to the Dental Office is Safe

We are working hard to implement adjustments to your experience in our office to ensure your safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our office has always been a safe environment because of our high focus on infection control techniques The majority of changes are to encourage social distancing and minimize the contact you would have with staff and other patients. Here is some additional helpful information to be aware of for your next visit with us.

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Virtual Waiting Room

When you arrive, please stay in your car and give us a call or text us at 480-830-0262. Once your room has been cleaned and sanitized for you we will call or text to let you know we are ready for you.

Only 9 Patients Will Be Permitted in the Reception Area.

For increased safety, we are minimizing the number of people in the reception area. Only patients with an appointment will be allowed in the reception area, other accompanying friends or family will be asked to wait in your air-conditioned vehicle or return when the appointment is completed.

Please wear a face mask

When visiting our office, please wear a personal face mask. Everybody is doing it! It is the latest fashion.

Thank You for your patience

In the last several weeks while we started to resume seeing patients, we have been so grateful for the support and kindness from our patients. Thank you so much. Your generosity and community have really encouraged us, we truly feel that “We are all in this together!” We are still working hard to keep you healthy - not just your smile.

If you have any questions, call us today. We are happy to answer all your questions.

See you soon at the dental office!

We are open!

Hello patients and friends of
Mountain View Family Dental!

Of course, we wish you good health and sanity at this time of uncertainty. As we continue to monitor the evolving situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to update you with how we are operating in response.


Please contact us if you need help with your dental care. If it is a phone consultation you need - we can do that. If you are in pain or any other urgent need, we can still see you in the office and treat your needs. In this unprecedented time, we want to be there to help and assist - there is no reason anyone should have to go on with unmet urgent dental needs at this time - don’t think you need to suffer with dental pain.

How are we affected by the state’s shelter in place mandate?

On Monday, March 31st, the Governor put in place a shelter in place mandate. We support this measure - however this doesn’t affect our practice’s ability to treat your urgent dental needs. We are considered an essential service, and so we will still be open by appointment to serve you

What about my upcoming pre-scheduled appointment?

If you had a routine dental visit pre-scheduled in the near future. We will be contacting you to re-appoint for a future date. We are making these call two weeks out according to the updated information we receive from state health officials, the Center for Disease Control, and American Dental Association.

When will we be reopening normally?

We miss you too, and we can’t wait to get back to work to serve on our normal schedule. But the answer is unknown at this time. We continue to assess the situation weekly. Check back here for the latest information we have about our availability for routine care.


At Mountain View Family Dental we value both our patients and our employees and we can assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure your health and safety amidst the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic.  

We have been asked by the ADA as well as the AZ State Governor to close our doors to preventative and non-emergency care for now.  All non-emergent dental treatment and maintenance visits will be postponed. Our staff will be reaching out to you reserve another time if your current reserved time falls in the next 2 weeks.  

We hope to be up and running in a couple of weeks, but please rest assured that we remain available to handle any dental emergencies throughout the pandemic.  We are here to do our part in the community to make sure that our citizens are not suffering with dental pain, and we also wish to help alleviate the stress that dental emergencies might cause the hospital emergency rooms.  Please let us be a resource for you, your neighbors and family. You can reach us at our regular number: 480-830-0262. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  We will do our best to keep you informed as the current situation continues to evolve.  Please do your part to help decrease and slow the spread of this illness.  


Shayne Guffey, DMD
Rebecca Temp, DMD