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How to prepare your child for their dental appointments

Dentists are a very common fear among children. Unfamiliar people, big machines, and new sensations in their mouths are understandably overwhelming for little patients. But at Mountain View Family Dental, we work hard to make sure every child feels at ease during their visit. Not only does this make their day (and yours) a bit easier, but it also encourages them to keep up with their dental hygiene and continue coming back. There are many ways you can help your kids become excited about going to the dentist. Let us share our recommendations to make their first experience at our office a breeze.

pediatric dental appointments

1) Pick A Dentist You Trust

When you feel comfortable with your child’s dental care team, it makes it easier for your child to feel comfortable too. Before bringing them in for a checkup, do your own research about your child’s new dentist. Check patient reviews or schedule a one-on-one consultation to learn about their expertise, experience, and services. This also gives you time to discuss any concerns with the dentist and brief them on any specific needs your child may have. If you’re new to our office, check out our patient reviews page to see some of our over 1,000 positive Google reviews from happy patients. You can also read up on each of our staff members’ areas of focus to familiarize yourself with our office.

2) Start Early

The earlier you start regular dental checkups, the more comfortable your child will be at each appointment. We recommend bringing children in by their first birthday or within six months from when their first baby tooth emerge - or as early as you see something that is a concern in their mouth. Though your child may not fully cooperate, the goal is to create trust and familiarity so that, in time, they will not hesitate to visit the dental office. This helps them to establish a trusting relationship with their dentist and primes them with good experiences from dental care.

3) Teach Them What To Expect

Once your child is old enough to understand what happens at the dentist, walk them through what will happen at each visit. Many children’s books and TV shows do a great job of explaining the experience and getting kids excited about it. Watch or read some of these materials with your child in the weeks leading up to their visit to reduce potential anxiety and answer questions they might have.

4) Bring Comforting Items To The Appointment

Some kids do best when they have a favorite comfort item with them at the dentist. If your child would like to hold a cuddly toy or watch their favorite show on your phone while we work on their teeth, we can easily accommodate their needs. 

5) Use Positive Reinforcement

There are many physical things you can do to make the dental appointment a positive experience for your child. When speaking to them, use a calm voice and use empathetic facial expressions to mirror their emotions. It may also be helpful to use appropriate physical affection, like a hug or high five, when your child completes a step of the appointment. After the visit, you can also reward them with stickers, a toy, or a treat. These positive memories will make kids smile and also help them attribute good memories to future dental appointments.

6) Talk About The Tooth Fairy

Some families practice the tooth fairy tradition, where children leave their lost baby teeth for the “tooth fairy” to take and trade with a prize. While the choice of whether or not to participate in this tradition is completely up to you as a parent or guardian, the idea of a tooth fairy is an easy way to encourage your kids’ excitement about dental hygiene. Once they know about this magical character and the surprises they bring, your kids may feel more inclined to keep brushing and going to the dentist, so their teeth keep developing healthily and lead to more tooth fairy visits.

7) Make Dental Hygiene Part Of Their Everyday Routine

Practicing brushing and flossing every day is the easiest way to keep kids at ease at the dentist. They will get used to the feeling of people touching their teeth, the taste of toothpaste and fluoride, and see the positive effects of clean teeth. You can even let them choose their own toothbrush or flavored toothpaste to make their everyday task more fun. Going to the dentist is a big step in any child’s life, but with good preparation, it can become something they look forward to. Mountain View Family Dental is happy to help young patients feel at home in our office. Contact us today with any questions about pediatric dental care and scheduling your child’s next appointment.